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our ministries
Set the believers an example
in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.
Timothy 4:12
United Methodist Women
Wesley UMC is blessed to have the Dale Swartz Trinity Circle of Wesley Women. The name “Dale Swartz” is in memory of a devoted Wesley UMC who was a spiritual mentor to many and whose live and testimony make her a sermon of the grace and of the love of God.
Every woman, member, friend, or neighbor is invited to join the Circle the fourth Monday of every Month at 3:30 PM in the Church Parlor for fellowship, prayer, and Bible Study. Occasionally the circle will enjoy dinner at local restaurants following the gathering.
The Dale Swartz Trinity Circle serves the community and beyond. The Circle partners every year with Rising Hope UMC in their Thanksgiving Baskets for low income family and in the distribution of Christmas gifts for children.
The Dale Swartz Trinity Circle also bless other missions in the community and beyond.

Music is an integral part of our Christian Faith. During the liturgical year, we experience a variety of music that combines classical selections and contemporary songs with the organ, the piano and the guitar.
We are blessed to have a Bell Choir led by our beloved Wesley Member, Dave Chase. The Bell Choir performs in Holy Week, and in the Advent and Christmas Season.
We are blessed also to partner with Ghana Wesley UMC whose choir will bring special music for special occasions during the liturgical year.
Wesley UMC serves the community and beyond in partnership with the following:
Jesús es el Verbo Church
Mt. Zephyr Neighborhood Association
Ghana Community Association Mfastseman Korye Kuw
Rising Hope UMC
New Hope Housing
United Community
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